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Name: Debz
Details: 36 years old (Leo), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Middlesbrough, Cleveland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/d_e_b_z
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May 2010... 3 Stone lighter =]
Yes.. I like to pose =]
Me on holidaaaay :)
In my own words

Oh hai.
I am known as Debbie, Debz or Debzwaaah..
I am awesome.. As are my friends =D
I'm 5'9"
I love geeks!
I love musical and artistic people
I like to draw random crap
Men in suits... Nom!
I text too much, drink too much and smoke too much but it's all good!
I like going on random mooches in the car.. Or random trips to the park =]
I love my friends to bits.. Wouldn't be who I am today without them =]
I live in my own house
I have 17 piercings and 4 tattoos
I love tea!
I love hugs & kisses

Anything else you want to know? Ask =]
My Mum Says...

Deborah.... I'm not angry.. Just very disappointed!
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
imalwaysontime wrote...  
your welcome lol
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parabola50 wrote...  
BOOOO! Everyone was telling me I should have won! I didn't even know how they decided the winner, but all night people were telling me if they had to vote, they were voting for me haha.
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h699 wrote...  
hey u nice pics fancy a chat on msn ? add me its [email protected]
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stuj4z wrote...  
yes babe i meant every word. are u on msn?xx
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stuj4z wrote...  
you are gorgeous beyond words debs. id love ot chat sometime. either on here or msn. speak soon (hopefully).xx
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nishakinzee_me wrote...  
you're sexy as fooook i'd do you meeee
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My Piccytures!
6 photos
Favorite Things

Fajitas! Or toasties when I can't be bothered!

Like Most Music.. Mostly rock/punk/indie

TV Show
Funny things.. Family Guy, Peep Show, Two Pints

Torey Hayden

I love loads of films, mainly like horrors

Night Club / Bar
Crown, fun places

I like lots of animals :)

All my friendies! They're awesome :)


Couldnt live without my mobile :) textaholic!!


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