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Name: Daryn
Details: 48 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/cyber_dragon
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In my own words

Musically I'm into:80's,goth,EBM,Darkwave,Electro,Industrial ,Metal,Trance & a bit of dance,anything that I like the sound of & it is constantly evolving as time goes on,I'm also getting a taste for a bit of black metal as well.Other interests are,Eygpt,Pyramids & the Sphinx,Mayan & Aztec Cultures,anything to do with ancient civilisations,real or myth,Dragons,mind,body & spirit & all things in the whole area of the paranormal.I also like cyber culture,synthetic hair,tattoos(still yet to find the ones I am after)& drawing.Comedies from Eddie Izzard,Monty Python,Bottom/Young Ones,Red Dwarf,Father Ted,Little Britain & the fast show to name a few.
I love clubbing at the likes of Slimelight,Synthetic culture & other clubs that I can have a good dance at,I enjoy a night out with my friends & I'm always looking to find more to enjoy a night out with &/or a nice drink in a good pub or coffee house talking about things that takes our fancy.
In A Perfect World...

Everone would find their perfect partner, there would be no idiots and no-one would what to change you for the 'better', blame you for the way their ex's treated them and would actually TALK to you if there was something wrong.
Or perhaps I am having a bad dream and that is really possible, who knows! :)
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Favorite Things

Chinese,Italian,Pizza ,Toady Holey and Chocolate

Industrial,EBM,Darkwa ve, Goth,Metal & Electro

TV Show
CSI,Stargate,House,De ad Zone

xXx,Matrix,Blade,Unde rworld

Night Club / Bar
Slimelight, with friends around P'boro

Dragons,Black Panther, Cats

Deb's, Sarah,Dave,Chelley(my rock)

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London, Camden,Peterborough,Peak District

Bed,PS2, Music Collection & my Computer


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