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***MoUsEy McNaLlY***
Name: MoUsE
Details: 33 years old (Taurus), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: cAnNy fArM, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/cutescousemouse
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BiTcH bUs! :-P
FaNcY dReSs WhIt WoOoOoOoo
Me kAtIeEe KoOoOo
MmMmMm MaRvIn HahA!
In my own words

***iF cArLsBeRg MaDe GiRlFrIeNdS, ThEy WoUlD pUt Me oN DrAfT!***

+ * * . + * .*. . * + * JUST * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *SPRINKLING.* + . + . . * + . + * . * + . + , *MY. + * PAGE+ * + . . * + . + * . * + .* . * * + . * WITH.* . + . SOME. * + * * . + * . . * + * * + . *+ * + ..LOVE ....* + + . . * + . + * . * +
*GiRlS ArE lIkE aPpLeS oN TrEeS. ThE BeSt OnEs ArE aT ThE tOp Of ThE tReE. ThOuGh ThE bOyS DoNt WaNt 2 ReAcH 4 ThE GoOd OnEs CoS tHeY ArE AfRaId Of FaLlIn AnD GeTtIn HuRt. InStEaD, ThEy JuSt GeT tHe RoTtEn ApPlEs FrOm ThE GrOuNd ThAt ArEnT As GoOd, BuT EaSy. So ThEn ThE ApPlEs At ThE tOp ThInK ThErE iS SoMeThInG WrOnG WiTh ThEm, WhEn In ReAlItY ThErE aMaZiN! ThEy JusT aV 2 WaIt 4 ThE RiTe BoY 2 CuM aLoNg, ThE 1 WhO iS BrAvE eNoUgH 2 ClImB aLl ThE wAy 2 ThE ToP oF ThE TrEe....*
If I was a Millionaire...

I wUd BuY cAmBo A WiG,lEaNnE a SeAsOn TicKeT 4 ThE pLeAsUrEs, SeL a BotTlE oF j.D, LeAh a WiG 2 HaHa,StE a BaG oF bEaK, ChUbBy A cRaTe Of StElLa, CoB a BaG oF GrEen,SeAn A pAn Of ScOuSe,LeE sUm CrEdIt 2 TeXt Is bIrD, DaVe (CaMbO's ArL fElLa) A NeW FrYiN pAn, KaYlEiGh A nEw CaR cOs ThE k.A iS a ScRaPpEr, Me KaTiE a bEaTlE cAr & a bIg hOusE fOr mE & hEr tO rAvee oN,JaMiE n E fIn E wAnTs CoS hEs GaWjEsS, AnD Me AnYtHiN i WaNt CoS aM a BrAt :-D MwAhA
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey there its sarah, u got a nice profilee.. would be nice talking to ya.. drop me ur msn addyy
or watever u use to chat.. xoxoxo
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deanobuck wrote...  
ello darlin u on msn x
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Me NaNs RoAsT DiNnErS! :D

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