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Name: Craig
Details: 36 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Hull, Humberside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/craig86
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In my own words

Hi, I'm Craig, 23, from Stafford in the midlands but I went to Hull uni to study a Masters degree in chemistry! Ive graduated from uni but still living in Hull working as a research chemist. Ive also lived in Manchester for a year! Love the student lifestyle with all the going out etc with my mates plus Hull's a great city! I also like sports and going to the gym! Musics great, festivals / gigs are ace and I also play the keyboard and Im learning the sax! Like travelling and going abroad, I've been to some pretty amazing places over the years! Wii's are the best games console ever invented, especially after a few beers! Plus hot chocolates the best! My cars cool too but my bikes better! Also like the outdoors with hiking, camping, cycling and doing stuff like that!
This Week's Plan...

Work, Gym, Cycle, Go Out, Party, Chill Out, Wii etc etc ...
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2009 Photo's
7 photos
Bitez (Turkey) - September 2008
6 photos
Sydney - March 2008
14 photos
Favorite Things

Any to be honest

Easy Listening / Soft Rock / Indie Type

TV Show
Anything good, Topgear, The Simpsons & Family Guy

Don't really read but like FHM and autobiographys

Action Films

Night Club / Bar
Theres lots - depends on the night & the people

My cat & could be you ;o)

All of my mates

Hot & Sunny or Snowy & with my mates

Mobile, iPod, Car, Bed etc


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