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Maltesers addict. Lacks ambition.
Name: Claire
Details: 45 years old (Gemini), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Bedfordshire., United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/claire27
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the 'heidi' look 20/10/06
In my own words

Okay, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write here so I'm gonna waffle on for a bit I think. I like people who are honest and upfront and personally I tend to just say things as I find them. Its not tactless...it's just honesty!! I don't like to take things too seriously if I can help it and I like happy people who can laugh from the belly and are not afraid of acting like a big kid and making a fool of themselves. Being able to take a bit of sarcasm is good too. I love mucking around with my daugter and being able to play all the stupid games that only kids seem to be able to get away with- swings and slides and rollerskating and hoola hooping and so on are great! (just believe me!). So, what else? I like being around people and seem able to get on with just about anyone. God, I dont know what else to write. It feels like a describe yourself in less than 500 words essay back at school, so im gonna go coz I always hated homework!
If You Pay Me...

...I'd be fucking loaded.
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Watever's on the radio

TV Show
Anything with Eddie Izzard in.

Dean Koontz/Dan Brown/James Patterson

Dogma, The Princess Bride, Life of Brian

Night Club / Bar
Pubs are better

Elephants and penguins

My daughter

Somewhere sunny and hot.

Skin. It holds all my bits in.


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