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Can you knock my halo off?
Name: Charley
Details: 38 years old (Leo), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/charley_21xx
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my beauty!
me and kay
In my own words

Live life to the full, take each opportunity that comes your way.
Never judge people before getting to know them.
What you see is what you get.

i have learn't some hard lessons throughout my life so far so be true and upfront.
Dont just look on the outside,look in side you find some thing beautiful and you will smile...
Love can be good love can be bad we all want something we never had... is there a soul mate?
I know someday I will find that soul mate who is loving and kind I know you are out there waiting for me You're in my thoughts, in my dreams!

xXx message me to find out more xXx

Don't jus pass by without rating my profile,please send a message aswell!

I'm on msn so send me ya addy and i will msg you back, if you were patient enough to read to here thanks...love to you x
My Best Day...

Wednesday 27th July 2007 winning the lottery!!! Yeah baby!!
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romantic_romie wrote...  
Hey there beautiful, how are ya?, just wanted to say hello and hope your having a good day or evening, btw if you ever want to chat sometime, just let me know and i´ll drop my addy off to ya ;)
so dont be shy to come by and say hi ok? cya;=)
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Favorite Things

Rnb,hiphop,dance,d n b,reggee,dancehall etc

TV Show
Catherine Tate,Hollyoaks,Shameless,Prison Break!

Goodfellas, Dirty Dancin! Cheech & Chong!Jokers!

Night Club / Bar
Time & Envy, Rainforest, Timeout,Oxygen,Chapel29


my mum&sis

hair straightners & my nails!


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