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Name: cat
Details: 40 years old (Pisces), Female, Single, Straight
Location: london, London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/cat121
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your very sexy
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gentofkent wrote...  
hi how u doing? lovely pix. did u have a good day?
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davecjm wrote...  
how are you? so far, how is your week?? the weekend should be good i reckon..you have any plans?
fancy chat?
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ben-luvs-girls wrote...  
Hi, i just saw your profile and you sound lovely and look gorgeous!
Fancy a chat?
x x x
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novalis109 wrote...  
I'm George from Bethnal Green, London, I study philosophy, and I'm 24 years old. This is a bit random, I know, but my friend has just pulled out of playing squash with me this evening, and I can't cancel the booking. You seem quite sporty, and not a psycho!!! - so would you be interested in playing, at the Sobell Centre, Finsbury Park, 6 o'clock this evening? It doesn't matter if you are not experienced, and we can hire a racquet. Please let me know ASAP. Hope you can.
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lordofthering01 wrote...  
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lapdance4ever wrote...  
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omyat56 wrote...  
u look well kool
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sexy_loui wrote...  
oi oi treacle fancy a chat? x
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luvhj123 wrote...  
Hey good looking...you don't smoke, don't drink and don't do drugs? Hmmm, wassup in your profile pic then? You chose a picture of you tired as your profile pic? Cool xxx
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luvhj123 wrote...  
Hey good looking...you don't smoke, don't drink and don't do drugs? Hmmm, wassup in your profile pic then? You chose a picture of you tired as your profile pic? Cool xxx
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