Apologies for the late reply, people died, shit hit the fan, i've been away. Back on fighting form now. I need another party tbh. I need some UV ladies to brighten it all up!
Lol we didnt have much money left so we couldnt get any more waterproofs. We just had enough money for petrol for the way home! Yeah i would do it again though for another night like that lol Will you be going to the next one if you get an invite?? xx
lol it was a nightmare, my bf's bike broke down as we left the party so had to call the AA. Ronnie had been punched in the face by a woman and couldnt see a thing. So me and Daz had to take turns riding my bike home in the cold and the rain with shitty gloves and no waterproofs cuz they were stolen from our tent. But had an amazing night though lol