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AsK Me fOr mY MsN AdDy!!!!
Name: burnzy2602
Details: 33 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Straight
Location: RoChDaLe!!!SFB!!!, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/burnzy2602
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In my own words

I like 2 hve a laugh, im jus chillin !....!!! ahaa layd bak n relaxed!!!
In A Perfect World...

Id be rich wiv my perfect bby gurl!! CHillIN!!
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Comments 8 of 8 | post a comment | view all
hay01 wrote...  
elo bbe do u fancey a chat x
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star_light_1990 wrote...  
hey you oK?
have a good christmas and new year? x
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kelz--x wrote...  
rochdale ay? :L what partttt? and u alright? x
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amy_2505 wrote...  
fit as fuck babes xxx
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xxpink-fusionxx wrote...  
Lol. Can u comment me instead pls takes ages for my msgs to load :(
Hehe. Bet youu would :P
Errrm [email protected]
I aint on atm thoo.
Comment bkkkk...XxXxX
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xxpink-fusionxx wrote...  
Elo yes i doo :)
Haha fnkyoo for the msg.
Comment bkkk
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dellyxx wrote...  
sexc boi xxxx
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xxchanniexerexx wrote...  
* + . + . . * + . . + *I'm * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Just * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Sprinkling * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Your * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Page * + . + . . * + * . + *With * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Some * *+ . + Sexy + * . * + * . + *Lovin xx xx
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n e fin really depends if its good or not

TV Show
Family Guy...funny as.!!!!

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ToWn... or Cassy!..Castleton!


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