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Oh BoY wE 'bOuT tO mAkE a LoTtA pEoPlE aNnOyEd...!!
Name: Casper
Details: 40 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Gay
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/bubblingtrue
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In my own words

oioi! lad from south london...lookin for mates, and i guess anyhtin else is a bonus. yea im a poof - but its not my life. im a masculine lad, not really into the whole gay lifestyle, but because of that havent got many gay mates. sayin that tho - i like meetin all types of people - men, women, gay, str8, inbetween, black, white, purple - u get the idea! i love my cars, but not drivin at the moment :-( ...and also a bit of an athletics fan...
I seem to get myself into quite a bit of trouble sometimes....so would be good to meet someone who can turn me good!

soemtimes i act like a twat without knowing it, i say the wrong thing, i can get a bit intense sometimes - but im a decent guy, and can hold my hands up and admit it when im wrong. I got goals in life - but the main one is to be happy, and would be nice to share that with someone

about to start my UKatletics coaching levels 1&2...anyone else into atletics or coaching...get in t
My Worst Day...

Well I was shopping in Iceland and nothing was making senses, too much choices, all in boxes...it is cooool in Iceland, always frozen...why can't I buy anything FRESH???!!!

hehe dont ask! ;-) - Private joke!!!
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Favorite Things

KFC no question!!

anyhting that gets me humming

TV Show

Roald Dahl (yea I know!)


Money and errr chocolate


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