In my own words think wat ya want , i dnt change 4 no 1 im am who i am a laid bk person who gets on wi any 1 so if u like the look of me n my profile jus drop us a line lv amiee xxx
well kim we gt r hols 2 look forward2 , n r party yeh!!!! fuk the lads if they jus wanna take piss ill still lvya mwah xxxx
My Funniest Moment... the funny is moment wa wen me n ma best m8 wa on holiday in lanzarote yh pissed outta r trees we knicked these gypsie;s sunglasses n ran of kim heard a tune she liked n drag me to the club it was playin n i looked rnd 2 find er n she wa laffin er head off she had rolled outts the club nt walked all i culd do wa laff at her rem tht nyt kim bring on the next hol !!!!