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Cheerful, witty and funny (i hope!!)
Name: Emma
Details: 39 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: From Shrewsbury, live in Manchester, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/blondebiyatch
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Jom (guy off holiday we met) and Meeee!
Bert and Me on our jolly holidays!!!
Me and Dave
In my own words

I am 24 years old, from Shrewsbury but lived in Greater Manchester for 2 years. I work for a financial services company in Manchester which sounds very boring, but I work in a great office with some awesome people so it is great fun! I am a fun-loving kind of person, always happy and smiling, I love my friends and family more than anything else in the world, and would do anything for them!
Blog 2 posts | view all
Today I am extremely bored, as my bestest friend has gone home and left me in this crappy uni house!! Damn you Bert! I am also crossing my fingers that the nice people in Pure will give me a job cos I am v. bored!!
If You Pay Me...

I would eat my own feet
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Favorite Things

EVERYTHING oh except olives!! eww

Muse! Oasis, Killers, Kooks etc

TV Show
Shameless/skins/FRIEN DS!

Stephen King

Lock stock/shaun of the dead/football factory

Night Club / Bar
Any really, as long as my mates are around me!

My 2 dogs!! (boo 1 died not long ago)

My Mum and my big brother

Bed! or the pub

My mobile phone and my laptop


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