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Right Glad I'm Not U Mate!!
Name: bandibumbum
Details: 37 years old (Pisces), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Sunny Fantastico Sheffield!!, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/bandibumbum
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MY Nuts Photo!
In my own words

You have only got one life use it. Live life to the full never regret anything, you can never make everyone happy but you can do your best. Love like you have never loved before, F%*K like its your last. Dance like no one is watching, Sing like your up on stage, be fearless be a pussy, but just be who you are, Be passionate, be happy enjoy every moment to the full, but most of all just get absloutley BONGOED!!!! love it!!! (bandibumbum verse 6- chapter 1)
In A Perfect World...

I would be a millionaire live in a big mansion with all of my nearest and dearest round me, I would be eternally happy and my dog bobby would live for ever, I would grow old gracefully and never get fat, everything that i wished for would come true, there would be no more war and George Bush would be my jester, britney would go back to the trailer park and boy and girl bands would be banned cos who would really miss em? but this is not a perfect world and i'm not either!
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Comments 10 of 26 | post a comment | view all
slinkace wrote...  
nice ass bby
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j_archer wrote...  
hey howa u? love ur piks ur very attractive xx
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s3xyback69 wrote...  
wow hun u luk stunnin babe have u got msn gaet bk 2 me hun xx
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kaka-22 wrote...  
do you know my friend james andrews? he lives in sheffield.
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ukstud1985 wrote...  
hi,how are you? x you look absolutely beautiful by the way :) x if you want to chat my email/msn is [email protected] x
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felv wrote...  
hey.how r u?i know u prob get this all the time, but WOW u r gorgeous, really really beautiful, i doubt ur interested but fancy a chat sometime?
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hazo550 wrote...  
how did u do in nuts babes??
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j-rolla wrote...  
Wow. How gorge are you! Jus tried sendin u a message but ur box was full. (.) I guess that proves it!
If ur feelin to chat sumtime, jus holla an i'll try re-writing what i'd put down b4!
Have a nice night,
J Xx
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firemanben wrote...  
just wanna say i think your stunning x
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ry_hec wrote...  
hows it goin gorjus
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At the moment it's my new Ugg's


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