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the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return
Name: Anna Banana
Details: 38 years old (Leo), Female, In Relationship, Lesbian
Location: dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/bananababe101
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my beautiful baby girl ... mmmmm!
another bikini pose ;) tee hee hee!
me again ... Zzzzz! boring!
me dressed like a fanny for work! ha ha!
In my own words

i never really know what to say when it comes to this stuff, but here goes ... i'm 23 (SO old!), tall, kinda messy looking and very loud! i'm generally heard before i'm seen but hey! i'm studying forensics in scumdee (sorry, dundee if u don't live there!) at the mo. lets just say that s*#@ hole has been kind to me and given me a gorgeous gf and some all right times - mainly when i've been steaming but hey! i'm big on piercings (altho my pics are a bit outdated and don't show my 13 visible ones!) and altho i've only got two pieces of ink on me, i want soooo many more! if u're ever in abertay union say hey cause i practically live behind that bar but if not drop me a cheeky line and i'll get back to u asap :)
My Mum Says...

you still not got a boyfriend?! - will my mama ever learn?! lol! ;)
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Comments 2 of 2 | post a comment | view all
koolmicky wrote...  
i know been too long how u crazy gals doing?We r having a wee tipple in the humble abode with our wee man bubbles (our fish lol!) need to catch up soon xx
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counterfeithate wrote...  
Hey! How you doing? =] x
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Favorite Things

mmmm anyting italian and cookies

rock*metal*punk*rando m cheese*

TV Show
the OC, the L word & spongebob square-pants

J.D Salinger - the catcher in the rye

moulin rouge or girl, interrupted

Night Club / Bar
blanket, polo, dels, the union and fat sams

our beloved wee pussy cat mylo ... awwww!

my wee andi pandi and the carebear

starbucks or anywhere but dumbarton!

my phone or my bed


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