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Name: Armin
Details: 44 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/arminiman69
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In my own words

I am who I am....what else could I be...understand where I stand...I choose to be me...when U look in My eyes....U've got what U see.... Understand if U can that I am... is I am....who I am....
In A Perfect World...

....I always hope to be the best that I can be, each day as a better and better human being, project all the love, kindness, passion and all the positive value inside from God through me to others in order for me to bring happines and smile on peoples face and last but not least is try to gain more and more beauty from outside but more important is from inside as beauty from inside is something which are lasting, forever and eternal and I believe that people will remembe
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