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Life Moves Pretty Fast!
Name: Hmm Wait for it
Details: 39 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Erskine, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/archie_goodwin
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In my own words

Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you may miss it! Where have all the lovely girls gone? And why are the ones who are still here obsessed with ar*eholes?
In the words of John Lennon, I am the Walrus! With Friends like these, who need enemies!
If You Pay Me...

Tell me who or what where and when, never mind the why if your paying enough!
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Comments 10 of 13 | post a comment | view all
flirty_ra wrote...  
Thank you x
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kinkycolleen1 wrote...  
awright hey lolol... ive no mssges left jst these daft comments lolol... awwk 11 hrs thts not so bd i do 14 hr shifts lolol ..u up2 much when u finish ? xx
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vicki-m-o7 wrote...  
exactly :P
oh that is exciting lol still hairdressing of course :)
naahh im never on it aha x
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hunibaby19 wrote...  
hey sorry ran out of msgs on here if u wanna chat more send me ur msn addy x
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girl-interrupted-13 wrote...  
Yeah, I went to the pub. What do you work as?
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chazab3l wrote...  
na im gd just gotta go see a man bwt ma legs haha xx
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sally0680 wrote...  
I probably shouldnt tell you cause its classified information but the bottoms of my feet are off the tickle scale! lol I get hysterical laughing and completely helpless, not a pretty sight! How ticklish are yours? lol btw, you single?
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sally0680 wrote...  
Hey Scott, hows it going? Thanks for your message. :o ) Im not too well *sniff* So Ive been in all day and Im bored! lol So... random question for you sexi. How ticklish are you and where most? Lol xxx
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bloodstainchild wrote...  
Hey uhh I'm not actually in Berkshire anymore...but if you're close enough I'd say Q!
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wild_goth_bitch wrote...  
I'm out of messages, so I'll just respond in this way :)
I am quite proud of being a geek! I like studying and I love reading and games and so forth, it's a great thing! :) It makes me stupidly happy, so, yeah, slightly an insult. But it is clear you weren't exactly trying to make it be that, so I'll try to take it nicely!
I am good, just finished my course work for the day so parousing about on the net trying to find something to amouse me. And how are you? :)
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Great Scot
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Halloween 2008
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Dubai 2008
14 photos
Favorite Things

Chinese, Itailian

Anything I can sing along to!

TV Show
Heroes, Bones, NCIS, West Wing, Numbers, FireFly

Stephen Hunter At the Moment!

(500) Days of Summer

Night Club / Bar
The Blue Dog

A Big Cat!

Me Myself and I, oh hell theres loads!

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Outside ; )

My Beloved Car! And My Bed Wanna Join Me?


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