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adrenaline junkie, work, rest and play
Name: andys
Details: 46 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/angeland
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its a hard life
ooh hello
In my own words

stuck in a rut during the day when im off work and everybody else isnt there is only so much fun you can have on your own, send me a message to cheer me up, im so bored guaranteed response to all!!!!
If I was a Millionaire...

I wouldnt give up work but probably only do the overtime if it was double time none of this time and a half malarky
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boozybird wrote...  
oi when you selling me your celica! it needs me in the driing seat bud with me new private plates hahhaha!! ;o)
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boozybird wrote...  
possibly the sexiest firefighter in the whole of the north east hahhaha. and a top friend aswell. mwah big hugs c ya soon me xx
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Favorite Things

almost anything i love to cook

my ipod is full of shite

TV Show
come dine with me (sad i know

katie price haha

usual suspects, lucky number sleven

Night Club / Bar
cant usually remember if they were good or not


everybody gets a chance sometimes two

hanging off a cliff edge by my finger tips

bottle opener


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