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Does it come with batteries??
Name: Lucy Alexandra Pane
Details: 36 years old (Cancer), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/alexandrapane
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In my own words

To keep it simple, im like everyone out there who loves to have a laugh. Love telling horrendous jokes that summons a 'polite laugh' Engaging in a good night out with the ladies, a glass of wine is my drink and its never just one! random trips to tescos when im peckish which is pretty regular, my bmi supports this!
Currently working as a Phlebotomist, no bugger knows what this is, which I find pretty cool. Work with a great bunch of gals, being the youngest on the team is great!
Love time spent with my bf Andrew who I love to pieces, adore the fact we consider each other best friends also!
However Im a pretty sociable, accepting person, love meeting new people, and generally prefer to go about things daily teamed with quick wit and a sense of humour, flattery doesn't get you everywhere but a good bit of fun and a jolly good laugh does! '[email protected]
From Now On...

im gonna say no!!
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22 photos
Favorite Things

Italian, whatever I make!

Indie, Electronica, Pop

TV Show
Any British comedy

Jane Green

City Of Angels

Night Club / Bar
As long as the music is decent I dont mind

Not a 'pet/animal person'

well persons; me gals and guys!

The beach

Camera, gots lots of good memories on that!


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