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This gun's for hire.. even if we're just dancing in the dark..(:
Name: Laura Fortune
Details: 36 years old (Aquarius), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: It's a mysteryy!, Nova Scotia, Canada
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/-_pandora_-
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lalala laura~ :o)
Super Geek
In my own words

I can't think of anything, sooo.. Once, I kicked an apple from the top of the stairs at school, and just as I kicked it, this kid comes around the corner just in time for it to hit him a r s e squared in the fore head! It exploded on contact. :) .-.R.I.P, my baby Marik.-. <3 Okay, I thought of something! I'll point out that I am an incredibly silly lass.. I like to see the humor in just about everything.. I have a weakness for potty humor, ha. I just can't help myself. But don't get me wrong, I have an equally mature side.. (: There is plenty to be known about me.. so don't be shy. I'm a nice lady. I only bite fartheads. (:
In A Perfect World...

There would be no such thing as indigestion. D':
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Favorite Things


FleetwoodMac, Fastball, Journey, J.C. Mellancamp.

TV Show
Family Guy, MXC, AFV, BugsBunny, Robot Chicken..

Sylvia Browne.

Legend, TopGun, Ghostbusters, BTTF, Short Circuit

Night Club / Bar
Chocolate bar. el o el.

Marik, Sheba & Lexi

My family. (:

Heather's Beach.



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