| |  | 

|  |  | beirate 33 Male Straight "Rambo, Lethal Weapon, loads!" |
| |  | 


|  |  | scifigoddess 51 Female Straight "Spandex on fat Chicks,stupid ppl breeding" |
| |
|  | 

|  |  | uppitysi 37 Male Straight "Someone with a sense of humour, or Susan Boyle" |
| | |  | 

|  |  | draconem_noctis 44 Male Straight "Stephen King, Clive Barker, George RR Martin" |
| |  | 


|  |  | lord-mistress 30 Female Bisexual "Archer, Amazing World of Gumball, We Bare Bears" |
| | |  | 

|  |  | annicus 37 Male Straight "The Simpsons" |
| | |  | 

|  |  | rhythmqueen94 56 Female Straight "Homeland, Masters of Sex,Downton Abbey" |
| | | |  | 

|  |  | dsmessin 73 Male Straight "What is in front of me" |
| |  | 


|  |  | fire_drake_slay 37 Female Straight "all strawberry stuffs, lasagna, ICECREAM!" |