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Don't Fake the Funk
Name: Starburst
Details: 37 years old (Taurus), Male, Straight
Location: Places, Utah
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/suicidekills
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they're cool too!
they're cool
In my own words

People are dumb, but who gives a monkey's posteriour, they'll never change, we'll never change, everyone's ignorant, that'll never change. Heavy metal kicks the dust! Punk is ok, other stuff is ok, You should message me, dont be afraid, go on, try it ;) lol...Umm, yeah, I wanna live in either Oregon or Alaska, yup yup, either not be allowed to pump my own gas, or make friends with the white bears! :D Hmm, do you think those white bears really drink coke? I Think coke is the best!! Especially the one imported from mexico, it's more hardcore, oh yeah, tastes better, either straight out of the bottle, or in a glass full of ice. I'm a welder...so I spend about umm...20 hours dirty, and 4 clean monday thru friday, sometimes saturday too...but not always, $$$$ I have a narly crx, but make that two, they're cool...I like them, uh huh...car crashes are so f'in crazy, u go thru them so fast and yeah...dont get in one! vroom vroom!
My Worst Day...

this monkey jumped out of a tree, kicked my azz, mopped the floor with me, and stole my shoe, it's true too!!!
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Metal, some punk, some oldies

TV Show
G Gundam, Gundam Wing...idk..nothing that's on...

J.D. Salinger, Dean Koontz

3kMTG, Pulp Fiction, Training Day

Night Club / Bar

Pitbulls and Rottweilers

Wayne Static, Tripp Eisen, these two girls...

under the covers

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