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US / UK latina chick with attitude
Name: Honey Giovani
Details: 38 years old, Female, Straight
Location: Olympus Heights, Colorado, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/honey-gee
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My left hand is so prominent now!
I'm all yours Dan!
Posing - as usual!
In my own words

Men are jerks. Rocks are pretty, but best for climbing! If you are serious about wanting to talk to me, prove that you are genuine by finding me in person and then go find true enlightenment. (See Taoism)
From Now On...

if anyone messages me asking for more pictures, or a chat request, plain s ex or cyber - I DO NOT DO IT, OK? DEAL WITH IT. F UCK OFF.

This whole nursing thing has gone far too far now. I'm going to go back to what I do best - it may not be much to most people, but teaching kids climbing is very worthwhile.
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Favorite Things

Seafood - especially sushi

Mostly obscure bands from the local area

TV Show
ER, CSI, Spin City

Dickens - so enchanting

Last of the Mohicans- I always cry!

Night Club / Bar
no good ones near here :(

Indris - marsupial from Madasgar

me now!

Perched ontop of a cliff, Daniel hung below

Climbing harness or Yoga mat!


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