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†..ººpure mentalist :) - thats why ya love me ºº..†
Name: cat
Details: 35 years old (Libra), Female, In Relationship, Bisexual
Location: Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/yours_if_u_want
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my kitten- smokey
In my own words

im a reasonably chilled out chick, i like to chill out wi my mates- HI!!!!. I like a smoke of the herbal variety. :D like football- celtic and liverpool, cars, pool, halo2, soaps(as in tv), drink and havin a laff. Just got my new car - aaww she's lovely. work at arnold clark mazda-pretty cool job.
In A Perfect World...

There would be no war, conflict, famine, nuclear weapons, violence, poverty, conservative party, BNP, UKIP, neds, illness, elitism, greedy world corporations, slave labour, social injustices, crime, brussel sprouts, peer pressure, image pressure created by stick thin celebs, hatred, religious conflict, bombs, guns, any weaponary, all there would be is happiness, peace, love and equality
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Favorite Things

% chocolate an sorbet an chips an chinese%

InDiE,RnB, R@p and a bit of rock

TV Show
†† *nip/tuck* †† Eastenders††

ian rankin, j. patterson or shakespeare

*football factory, trainspotting, pulp fiction*

Night Club / Bar
%%% ††† Beat??Rev, Air, €go, Studio24 †††%%%

dog K9

©my whole family an my mates, an mike lol©

††† %?cuddled up wi mike at home :)?% †††

my teddy ive had since i was born - aawww


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