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Name: sam robinson
Details: 36 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Brighton/Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/robbo87mad4it
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In my own words

i enjoy all aspects of life particularly wen i have little to worry about, i love weekends, which i think r only truly appreciated once you have learnt the meaning of working hard all week.
i miss UNI 2 much, was probably the easiest and most fun part of my life, partly because of Brighton and partly because i never did any work, unless u count endless drinking and trying to orgainse every1 as to where to move on2 next, and waking them up so i can hav company at the pub.
i work in Milton Keynes and Birmingham as an Account Manager(fancy title for salesman), i sell photocopiers to businesses but love doing it most of the time. money is good to so that always helps the days pass.
i live in Northampton now, bit upsetting but as soon as iv got some money together im going to move out, down south not like the midlands anymore i need a beach.
thats about it feel free to message me if you want.

going to Brighton Uni tomorrow cant wait to leave Northampton.
The Meaning Of Life...

to be with the one you love, and be happy and content with what you have achieved in your lifetime. i dont want to die wandering if i could have been better would you?
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Brighton Uni
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every1 else has done it
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Photos of me old
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Favorite Things

anything when im pissed, sober its fish and chips

i like all good music nothing in particular

TV Show
game shows cooking programmes dont watch much tv

Jeffrey archer (dont judge me by it)

clockwork orange, goodfellas, lock stock

Night Club / Bar
anywhere with m8s and drink

monkeys and dogs,

me, if you dont love yourself no bugger else will

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the beach, on boats, at the pub

money feel lost without it i hav expensive taste


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