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Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Name: mikescorpio
Details: 41 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Straight
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/mrblondeboy83
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In my own words

I appreciate everything life has to offer...

I'm not the nicest guy you'll ever meet, but I don't try overly hard to be a dick either. I know what I want in life and I have a plan on getting it, no matter what. I am a very outgoing person, I try to be as positive as I can, but then again I can be an extreme cock.... ,but what guy isn't?

I've always lived for experience: traveling, learning new skills, meeting new people.

I can count on my fingers the 'true' friends I have.

It takes a lot for me to trust someone, so good luck.

I stay as far away from drama as I possibly can. I never hold grudges, I'd rather get along with people then fight with them. I will not physically fight anyone unless it's an absolute necessity, because it's extremely trashy, and I am far from that.

I'm used to getting my way. I never settle for anything less then the very best. I have very high standards for myself, it's hard to meet them.
From Now On...

I will work harder... stop drinking, planning holidays and chasing girls. Stop sitting in the garden soaking up the sun and procrastinating on the internet. Damn it - that'll never happen
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summers_here wrote...  
Bored at home with a bad cold :( so killing time x
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TV Show
LOST, Hereos,


The life of David Gale

Night Club / Bar
Haha - who cares?! Really? - On the beach!

Big Dogs

Muhammed Ali

Brazil, S.Africa, Fiji, N.Zealand - probs fave



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