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Your friendly, horni, multi-faceted ELF!!
Name: Elf
Details: 47 years old, Male, In Open Relationship, Gay
Location: South Lanes, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/mental_fl0ss
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From my laptop
At my Mac
My friend Emma! :o)
In my own words

I`m a happy, friendly, confident, emotionally sorted guy, living in the heart of the South Lanes in Brighton with my soulmate, partner and lover of five years, Graeme (see d00kieb0y below).
Graeme and I are... unique. We view love and sex in a way that baffles most people. Our link is very much a natural one, and we both view sex as something transient, to be enjoyed whenever and whenever the opportunity arises, with whomever we choose - no hangups.

As for me: Friends call me the elf. I'm ever so slightly eccentric, with a depraved sense of humour and an unhealthy fascination with all things scientific and geeky.

Current loves: Physics (esp. quantum mechanics), ancient civilisations, languages, politics, emergent technologies, and sustainable energy.
My Pet Hate...

Medieval superstition (in which category I include all religion, astrology, homeopathy, and various other wankery with which someone is always willing to make a quick profit out of the more credulous and gullible of our species - all contradictory to the actual facts we've since learned about our existence and the universe, and based on precisely fuck all evidence). Time to grow up, people - seriously - we're killing each other over whose imaginary friend is best.
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Favorite Things

Thai, chicken, pasta, steak

Indie/punk/acid rock/dance/classical

TV Show
Don't watch it (except DVDs)

Ian Lawton, James Redfield, Arthur C Clarke

Dr. Strangelove, Bowling for Columbine

Night Club / Bar
Depends on company.

Wolves, and our two puddy cats.

My Cub (d00kieb0y).

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Greece, Macchu Picchu, home.

My MacBook Pro.


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