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hi... wrote
im in such an odd mood... nothing new there then!
Things that annoy me bout faceparty... wrote
aim of game here is 2 get laid. N if ur not willin 2 talk dirty or touch urself ova cam five secs afta talkin 2 some1 they ignore u. Peeps add u purely on looks, then msg u things like 'wot u do?' erm, read my profile. It says on there. Blokes think its acceptable 2 send u a first msg of 'ur fit. Wanna fuck?' or 'wanna c me Wank?' or 'i wanna c ur pussy' n then rate u Bitch wen u dont reply. Little advice. Try sayin hi first! Mayb im just on wrong site...
Im curious... wrote
Why i cant get a boyfriend? People asking why im single is begining to piss me off. Its prob cos im gullible and believe the best in people, rather than seeing they are twats who just want a fuck. Or cos im not really lookin. Or cos live in Thanet, land of no-suitable-people-to-go-out-with lol. Oh well. Not like i dont still get laid! Tee hee. Crazynymph out. X
Every bloomin' year! ... wrote
I get a cold at xmas time. Except this year there is a slight difference, i have flu instead! Seriously sucks. Hate it. Especially missing work! (Sadly not sarcasm, believe it or not!). Oh well, had nice xmas anyway. Got awesome digital camera, now can harass all friends and family by taking pictures all the time. (Cue evil laugh: mwahhahaha!) Crazynymph out x x x
Fallin in love again... wrote
... With the wrong person again! Known this person few years. Never, ever, thought of them this way. Thought they were hot and great in bed[slept with em good few times] but always saw them as mate. Now cant get them out of my head. Its wrong, wrong, wrong. Cos it would never work for many reasons but tell that to my head that wont stop thinkin bout their smile, the way they talk, how they kiss... Im officially going mad! X
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