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im me!! :P:P take me as i am or walk away now....
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well, this is to clarify to any1 who nos adele exactly what happend the other nite so no bullshit gets spread, she fell down a flight of stairs nd broke both bones in her shin, shes in hospital now,had her operation today 2 get her bones screwed together. the poor lass is in agony and shes so frustrated coz she cant move. its guna b proper hard 4 her in the next couple of months.. she has to get physio so she can acctually walk agen. if any1 wants 2 get her a card or owt it will b apreciated.x.
this is sumthing to think about.... oooh wrote
bare this in mind...No one is worth your tears, but the person who is, wont make you cry!! how beatiful ey.. think about it tho.. its true!!
random! wrote
well.. im sat ere in ma rm, its nt 1:40 its 2:40 nd i cnt sleep! i dyed my hair 2nyt, its dark prple it luks oryt a supose! i shud stop avin shuga b4 i go 2 bed! im realy hyper lol! been inta twn 2day, bought hair dye lol! oooh i went dwn the beach on my fast nd furious car game... im gettin good! anyway... im gna go nd find sumfink constructive 2 do!
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