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cutey with the booty ;) ....
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As I lay him dwn to fuck, I hope he rips this pussy up. And if his dick be small and weak, lord I hope his man can eat!! AMEN!!
untitled wrote
plz fill in ma blog....

** Dear____ (what u call me)
I ____ you.
You have a nice ____.
You make me ____.
You should ____.
Someday I will ____.
You + me = ____.
If I saw you now I'd ____.
I want to ____ you.
I would build a ____ just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be ____.
We could ____ under the stars.
fed up! wrote
Im fed up of men messaging me when they arent english!! Its pointless messaging me as i wont reply! so fuck off and leave me alone!!
my holiday wrote
me n shane went to malia on the 24th of july and had a fuckin wicked time! We did all kinda shit we hired a quad, a scooter and a jetski. I proper shit him up on the jetski n he sed he'd never let me drive 1 again wiv him on the back! LOL! on the first night shane crashed the quad n went flying into a field LOL! I wasn't on it thank god! I made friends wiv a girl who was workin in a bar there n she gave us free drinks, shane had the time of his life and im glad i could show him tht experience.
XxXXxXA TOAST!!!XxXXxX wrote
XxXXxXThis is a toast to us.XxXXxX
XxXXxXFor the men who have us, the losers whove had us and the lucky bastards who will meet us.XxXXxX
XxXXxXThis is for all the pretty laydees, the ones wiv pure outer beauty and the ones with true inner beauty.XxXXxX
XxXXxXRegardless of age, race, sexuality or anything this applies to you XxXXxX
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