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DAMN YOU LADY AT EMMA'S OLD ADDRESS!!!! i want my missy higgins ticket an i want it back now....theiving sl@@@@g!!!!
y is it tht nites out r gettin more an more boring. the club is either full of male sl@gs who thnk they can come over 2 u an FEEL U UP an dance around u, or straight men who thnk waving there fists an arms in the air repetetively is some form of dancing. apologies 4 the gays who r out 4 a good nite an the straights who can dance, tho theres not many. my mission 4 the week is 2 get a straight man dancing like a p00f... over an out
why isit whenu want sumthing u cant hav it?for instance:dawndyke,i think ud better get in contact with me and beg me 2 take this blog off, coz when sam reads that yet again u have been stuffin ur face with a big fat cornish pastie,she wont b happy bcoz u no ur not aloud them. i dnt no y u eat thm. u only spend the nite belchin, burpin an lettin out big huge smelly farts all nite, so dawnie frm now on..NO FookIN PASTIES or ur gonna end up shtin ur insides all ovr the place and it WILL burn ur a*s
awwww , bless. poor martin the marrow was murdered at the mardi gras. i look over an see dawndyke miss boom an uh....me jumpin on his head. we tried 2 resusatate him but it was 2 l8. if any 1 there has any info on this terrible tragedy please msg me. an if any1 wld like 2 give there condolences pleze go ahead. if u were there an u saw a squashed marrow flattend 2 the grass then u no wot im tlkin about.. ....xxxxgo 2 my pics if u wld like 2 c him.
when uv lost sumin like ur phone or keys, an u ask ur mum if shes seen thm, y do mums always say "on the side, i put thm on the side". y is it always "on the side". if any1 finds out where this "on the side" actually is cld they let me no pleze?
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