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I don't 'hate' christmas after all... wrote
It turns out I don't 'hate' Christmas after all!! After dreading it for months, it pounced and it turned out totally sweet!! Woke up to many 'big presents' from my rather amazing mr G man and proceeded to enjoy the family meal - strange I know! Christmas night was Sweeeet, continuing straight through to today (**Details NOT to be plastered on here for the faint hearted!!)!! Party animal has returned!! I am buzzing my little elf ass off !! And I've got more to come ahahaha MERRY CHRIMBO!
Ahoy me harties wrote
Well continuing on th'pirate theme, I watched Pirates of The Carribean 2 last nite. Very good, so much better than the first one, and ooooh Jonny Depp (only brown eyed guy - I would!) was an absolute pleasure to watch, could of done with stripping off before the tribe tried to roast him though!! lol
National Pirate Week. wrote
I have been enthusiatsically participating wholeheartedly for NPW (National Pirate Week) I have been wearing my best pirate gear buff, cropped pants, etc, even my friend Julie 'wanted' a piece of of Captain aim lol!!
I plan to be showing my best pirate tendancies for the whole of the week, and look forward to seeing other Pirates as I travel the seas over the coming week, the bounty awaits and my crew is-a ready ahahahaha
Weekends over wrote
Another weekend gone. I've been recovering all day!! WOW WOW WOW

I'm off to le White Barn shortly for a snifty one lol. xxx life is sweet xxx
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