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Name: Andy
Details: 44 years old (Gemini), Male, Straight
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lime-iidx
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Halloween & I couldnt resist!
Only pic to hand for now, kinda moodeh tho.
In my own words

Whats done is done, things in the past cannot be changed so make the best of a bad situation and never blame yourself. I should know...
If I was a Millionaire...

Id wanna be one of those sad b*stards who keep their shelf stacking job at Sainsburys, buy a cheap lil' motor that gets from A to B and not move into a big house because money wont change me.... (heh, like hell I would!)
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Favorite Things

Mexican, Japanese, Thai... chocolate?

Savage Garden, Offspring, Puddle of Mudd.

TV Show
Used to be Friends, barely watch tv now tho.

Used to read Stephen King.... a while back.

Fight Club, Lost Boys, Crow... to name a few.

Night Club / Bar
If they sell drinks... who cares?

Tiger... or Rat >n.n<

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Snowy mountains or Sunset beaches

Dunno.... I have a glass banana, kinda random?


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