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I'd rather be on the shelf than in the wrong cupboard!! ha xx
Name: Leanne
Details: 42 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Edinburgh Castle - That's my home!, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/leannes3xy
In my own words

maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed... mayb they're just supposed to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them!! x

I'm a geniune fun loving scot's lass who is just on here for the banter, please do not message me with your MSN, Phone number or home address because i'm NOT going to text you add you or come round to your house for sex. Honestly don't get why people who you've never spoke to before or met in your life think you would!? ha x
I'm a Blonde....
A colour impossible to describe, The sunshines mirror. Think of a blonde and you will be lost in mystery.... sensational, sassy, charming, shy yet self-assured, provocative & naive, enchanted & unapproachable, extravagant & elegant. The endless shades of a blondes hair reflect the infinite shadows of the character & soul. Blonde is more than a colour its an attitude!!! xx
The Meaning Of Life...

Is to live every day like it's your last, laugh your heart out, have fun with friends & cherish every memory xx
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donnie-me wrote...  
was in your castle n' you were out..awe xx
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bloody_lovely_stuff wrote...  
Hey Leanne, how are you?
i was just about to log off and get in the bath and i stumbled across your profile, and I'm glad i did, it has brightened up my day massively!
you're a big bunch of gorgeous x
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Favorite Things

homemade soup & mexican food.

Anything I can bust a move to.

TV Show
currently loving Misfits

James Paterson

Transformers, Top Gun, Gone in 60seconds

Night Club / Bar
All of them!! ha ha


All my girls, love em I do xx

Langkawi in Malaysia - gorgeous! x

My I-Pod - gotta have music.


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