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It's all about the music (and having a giggle!)
Name: Paul
Details: 42 years old (Aquarius), Male, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/happydj
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My bod
Only dog that likes window sills!
Latest 1 of Geordie!
My pride and Joy (for sale though!)
In my own words

im an easy going down to earth lad. I spend to much time working all the time and I like to live by the word hard - play hard thing! I enjoy meeting new people either on MSN, faceparty or when im out or about. I will do anything for anybody to try and help people out! I can always advise on how to help but never listen to my own advice and I seem to get screwed over quite alot (which is a shame but never mind) If you wanna know more about me - just send me a message coz i cant use this faceparty chat thing! - it just doesnt work! I just read all that back to myself and I sound really borin! Can't be bothered to change it all again - ah well... just talk to me alreet and im sure we'll have a laugh. See ya!
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Well what a weekend I had!

Had a right good laugh and stuff - but there are still people who try and mess with your heads! Anyway I am pleased to say im back to my old party ways now and I think its mint! So, if anyone is havin a party give me a shout! :o) Plans for this week, go out shoppin and stuff, the get ready for the weekend!! Can't wait! Have a feelin last weekend will take some beatin though - but Im always up for a challenge!

See ya
If You Pay Me...

Imagination is the only limit! ;o)

No seriously though.... now much?
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Favorite Things

Hot curries! (Im wicked at cooking them!)

Dance and R&B

TV Show
Little Britian, Office, Simpsons

Don't read many books if im honest!

Like all american pie's and stuff like that

Night Club / Bar
Blue - In whitley

My dog called Geordie

Click here to view

Whitley bay or Newcastle - whitley

Laptop and mobile!


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