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Fun, Complex, and Limber lol jk jk
Name: Sarah
Details: 39 years old (Taurus), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sweetassin
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Where did my shirt go?hehe
^me and shawn@prom^
^I have more pictures on my MSN^
In my own words

I like to talk to ppl that are like me, im a non-bull"crap"^^they censored me^^ low-maintence girl. I used to be a cheerleader yrs ago but it wasn't for me. Im actually a tomboy at heart I like sports and im VERY completive. So if your looking for some "prissy" girl or a "damsel in distress" Keep looking.
I like being around ppl that have a sense of humor and that are outgoing(shawn) and just like to have fun and love life.did that sound a lil 2 Full-House?Im also a very honest so don't expect me to sugar-coat anything. Im sure I have faults like other ppl but Im genuinely a Nice person and I can spot a ignorant person a mile away, just try to stay on my good side and everything will be fine! And the last thing you should know about me is that im not superficial or Shallow or anything like that. Id rather a good personality and sense of humor over anything else. Immean not everybody looks like a Model or w
The Meaning Of Life...

With all the crap I put up there about my life,You actually want more?? Ok ill give you a famous qoute by a famous author named Sarah Cantrell. "There's Leaders and There's Followers....Then There's Sarah Cantrell" lol ^Oh and no msg's from like old ppl Immean thankyou for the kind words an all but if your like my Dad's age I doubt Ill have any Intrest in you like that^ :P

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Favorite Things

Im not picky. something spicy


TV Show
Fear factor^get my white"butt" on that Show^

Hooked On Phonics Ed: 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 7, 8 ,9

Clue,the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc etc

Night Club / Bar
Tumbleweeds, The Mist, and the Underground is ok

Cheeta-it's fast and attacks from behind ^hintlol

Shawn of course cuz he is crazy!!! and JenJen

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Wherever Im at...yoga class

^^my cell and my volleyball skillz^^


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